Friday-today(Sunday) we were lucky enough to have Lululemon's annual warehouse sale right here on Long Island! I love my Lulu and was so excited when I saw their post about "Yoga Bowl". Being that I had to work I knew I'd only be able to go either Friday right after work or at some point during the weekend. I thought about it and Friday after work sounded like the most logical...I mean come on I didn't want to miss out on the good merch by going on Sunday.
I ended up dragging my boyfriend along so he could hold all of the goodies I'd be buying myself (I ended up feeling bad for dragging him in the long run). Based on all of the photos hash tagged #yogabowl on instagram and twitter, I was expecting a massively long line when we got there but I guess waiting till after work ended up paying off.
We got there and walked right in. When we walked in and went downstairs there was this beautiful lady in the lobby flowing through postures with such grace and beauty. As we neared the doors towards the sale I thought for sure there'd be a line inside ..but no we walked right in again. They had a DJ playing music and people dancing. Not to mention the amazingly full racks of Lululemon men's and women's clothing and iviva which is their children's line. I was In absolute heaven...I mean what person wouldn't be...besides my poor bored boyfriend. I managed to snag 2 tanks, 2 pairs of pants, a pair of crops, some shorts, and a mat strap.
There were some awkward moments of women changing in the middle of the shopping floor...when there were fitting rooms easily accessible. Strange but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do or something like that....
All in all it was pretty successful, I was hoping for some wunderunders but I didn't find any in my size. Oh well just means I'll need to splurge at the East Hampton store when I have more cash flow.