Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 3 - Horse Back Riding

Even though I don't do it nearly as much as I used to, today  I am grateful for horse back riding. Owning horses and horse back riding is something that I will forever be grateful for. It is something that no matter how long I go without doing, I will be able to get back on a horse and know what to do without even thinking. I was so fortunate to have parents who were willing to dish out the cash to allow me to carry out my dream of riding. They paid for the horses, saddles, blankets, feed, board, show fees, lessons, and countless other expenses (the farrier and the vet!). I learned so many valuable lessons and an insane amount of responsibility from horse back riding. I had the pleasure of interacting with and riding some of the most amazing horses on the planet. I consider myself very luck to have been able to ride for 10+ years!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 2- LOVE

Today I am grateful for the insane amount of love that surrounds me. Not only by my wonderful fiance ( I don't know why but he still puts up with me), but by my amazing friends, and my insanely awesome family! This move and transition to Florida has made me feel like there is a serious void in the love department. But I keep on reminding myself that although I am almost 1300 miles away from the place I called home the last 25 years, I am still surrounded by an over abundance of love. No matter what happens or where I am I will always be surrounded by LOVE (even when I feel like the grinch).

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day - 1 YOGA

Today I am grateful for my yoga practice. Yoga has become something that I turn to in the deepest darkest times. No matter what, It has an amazing way of changing my mood (even if getting up for class was the hardest part of my day). I always leave class feeling refreshed and rejuvinated. Many times I welcome a good cry, before, during, and/or after class. It is an unbelievable release and changes my entire mood. Yoga has not only made me physically stonger but mentally stronger. My mind has learned to block out the mindless mind chatter. It has learned how to settle down and calm itself even in the most stressful of times. There is nothing that a solid practice, breath work, and meditation can't take care of.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Project: 365 Days of Gratitude

So in an attempt to start journaling/blogging more I have decided that I will take on the 365 days of gratitude challenge. Lately since my move I have been in a pretty insane "funk". I just haven't been myself. Hopefully this project, along with picking back up on my yoga practice hardcore, can help me workout all my kinks that have found their way into my mind, body, and soul lately. 

I found this awesome quote this morning by Robin Sharma (aka The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari...put the book on hold at the library and can't wait to read it, haha) and it really sparked something that made me want to work out the kinks for real and get myself back to where I was before I left Long Island. 

"There ''are'' no mistakes in life, only lessons. 
There is no such thing as a negative experience, 
only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along 
the road of self-mastery. 
From struggle comes strength. 
Even pain can be a wonderful teacher."
— Robin Sharma

This just sparked something and it kinda felt like the pieces just fell into place as I was laying in strange and hard to explain. 

Feel free to join in as well! Even if you do it once a week or month it'll probably feel good!
The first gratitude post will be posted later today so be on the lookout! 
I'll also be posting little blurbs on my instagram account so be sure to follow there as well ( @thatslinkygirl). If you do choose to participate feel free to tag me @thatslinkygirl and hastag #dailygratitudewithslinky long I know but it'll help me see everyone's posts! Tag it even if you dont participate everyday!

Much love and GRATITUDE on this Sunday morning 
<3 Jess